Pre-Game tailgating is permitted at Fort Wayne FC home matches ONLY in Lot D at Bishop John D’Arcy Stadium located on the campus of the University of St. Francis. You are required to pay $5.00 for parking at Lot D entrance. Please note that parking/ tailgating is for Fort Wayne FC ticketed guests only, and the club reserves the right to confirm that guests have tickets prior to allowing them into parking lots. Fans are not permitted to observe games outside of Bishop John D’Arcy Stadium (e.g. from car, along fence perimeters) without purchasing a ticket. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Tailgating is permitted 2 hours prior to gameday kickoff in Lot D only as identified below – this area is located across the street from the stadium.
- All tailgating in stadium-controlled parking lots is prohibited throughout the game.
- Offensive signs, banners, or other displays are prohibited.
- Maintaining an aisle that is clear of tailgate equipment in order to accommodate emergency vehicles is imperative for maintaining a safe environment. Your total tailgate (including guests) is limited to eight (8) feet behind each parking space.
- Tailgating is permitted only directly behind your vehicle. Your tailgate may not extend into another parking space.
- No RVs or travel trailers are permitted in tailgating areas due to limited parking spaces.
- You may not save parking spaces.
- You are responsible for picking up and disposing of your own trash. Use designated trash cans and receptacles.
- Televisions, radios, and other music-playing devices are permitted in and directly behind the parking space in which your vehicle is parked. Please be aware of the volume and your neighbors’ tailgating experience.
- Tents may not be staked into the ground. Sandbags or weights only.
- Propane and/or charcoal grills are not permitted.
- FWPD, parking attendants, and security staff will monitor tailgate activities and assist fans. If you have an issue in the lot, please report immediately.
- Management reserves the right to limit or restrict tailgating.